Flexible pricing for everyone

Save $90

We know it's tough getting a startup off the ground. You may not need everything Semanttic does but could use help ideating your MVP. We have this plan especially for you because we want to see more startups succeed and innovate.

Get early access
1 project
Use our design systems
Export to Figma
Export to code

You're an innovator and looking to get an edge by collaborating with AI to build your applications faster and better. This is the plan custom made for you.

Get early access
Unlimited projects
Real-time collaboration
Favorites & History
Use your own design system (on request)
Access to our Slack Community for direct support & inspiration
Secure & Private
Export to Figma & Code

Coming in early 2024, our Enterprise offering will enable companies to fine-tune Semanttic with their user research and internal company data, securely and privately.

Other features:

  • Design system tool and governance
  • Administration dashboard
  • Permissions
  • Group sharing
  • Bespoke application types (e.g., automotive)
  • User research workflow
  • API
  • Integrate with your current DAM (Digital Asset Manager)
Have Questions?

Reach out to us and we will help you

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